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Showing posts from June, 2023


are all God's fault? // É tudo culpa de Deus?

  We often hear people complaining to God, or even doubting God according to their/others' experiences. "It is God's fault for all the wickedness in the world. The hunger, the evilness, the climate change, God should do something about it".  Really? Why would he?   If there are rich people everybody assumes they are blessed. If walking down the street it is easy to think that my problems are the only ones that overwhelm or... I am all alone.   We see injustice all around us. We see bad people doing great at life, and we see good people, faithful-to-God people struggling day-by-day. Is it a lottery? I don’t like to think so.    (Job 21:7 -15) 7 “Why do the wicked live on,     growing old and increasing in power? 8 They see their children established around them,     their offspring before their eyes. 9 Their homes are safe and free from fear;     the rod of God is not on them. 10...

Psalm 33 // Salmos 33

  Two things stood out to me this morning while I was reading my Bible. Mark 12:13 says "And they sent to him some of the Pharisees and some of the Herodians to trap him in his talk". This is the first thing. Who hasn't felt trapped in our own words? Especially when we are trying to talk about Jesus. Later in this chapter (v.24), Jesus says "Is this not the reason you are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God?"   Jesus didn't feel trapped as they wanted. We do feel trapped in our words and feel lost or defeated when that happens. Why does that happen? Jesus said that we don't know the Scriptures or the power of God. If this isn't an incentive to increase your and my readings of the Scriptures I don't know what to say.    The second thing was in Psalm 33. Because I found more reasons to keep reading and studying the Bible. Verse 4: For the word of the LORD is upright and all his work is done in faithfulness.  Verse 11...

God likes complexities // Deus gosta de complexidades

  In general people today don’t like churches. I really don’t understand why. I grew up going to church. I admit I was different from most of my friends. So what? I didn’t like to conform, I was kind of rebellious. Maybe I didn’t know what I was rebelling against.  Today I’d like to think I am rebelling against the pattern of the world, like the church. People who say they are atheists, but they are afraid of dying. People say they don’t like the church because it has too many restrictions and laws and things, but they don’t like the mess the world is right now. People say they don’t need God because they can be good people. I wonder why they need to be good if no one is judging them after all; where did their concept of good and bad people come from? where does love come from? Who checks all the boxes below: •          Don’t believe in God •          Don’t need church • ...