I don’t know many people who really like the book of Job in the Bible. I didn’t know how much I appreciate this book until recently. The part I like the most is from Elihu forward. You know, the most part of the book Job’s friends are arguing about whose fault it is that Job is going through all that. Is he really guilty? If he is not, how can we think of a Just God? So that is just the point of the book. We can’t. Our notion of justice is too limited and far from God’s that we can’t make any sense of it. And I say that not because I am all wise, not at all. Because when Elihu speaks he shows that we know nothing, we are nothing compared to God’s greatness. Our standards for justice are nothing compared to God’s. You see, God is perfect and we have no idea what is to be really perfect. Because we have never seen perfect, nothing made by man can be perfect. We missed our chance in the Garden of Eden. Everything God does is perfect. When God finally spe...
a pinch of God's Word // uma pitada da Palavra de Deus