I read this passage from our book of devotionals two days ago. It is a book with passages of C. S. Lewis’s books. The book The Screwtape letters is about a demon boss writes to his student. The letter is the demon boss teaching his student what to do to take the new Christian off the right path. What kind of temptations and thoughts should be offered to his patient (as he is called). I liked this book because we can see how easy target we can become when we are not taking seriously the Word of God. How the thoughts and temptations appear to us and why. How we should behave with our superiors or even our parents. In this environment the student facilitate some fights for silly things, which is reality most of out fights and arguments with parents and people in general are all about, silly things. Anyway, it you have the opportunity to read this book, do not let it pass. Take it. Finding Balance Screwtape offers ways to cleverly exploit the Patient’s dry spell: B...
Devotional for friends // Devocional para as amigas
a pinch of God's Word // uma pitada da Palavra de Deus