The book of the prophet Haggai tells something interesting that I hadn't noticed before. The main message here is: first, you repent, then work in God’s work. Otherwise, your work won’t be accepted by God. What matters most to God? Our heart. What does that mean? It means that He sees even deeper than we see what is going on within ourselves—our thoughts and intentions. We can’t bargain with God. He won’t fall for it. We cannot have both ways with God. In the book of the Prophet Haggai, God calls out to his people that they were more interested in their business than God’s. Later on, God called out on them again, saying, ‘Right, you guys are working in my business now, but your hearts are not in it; you must repent before doing my work'. God cannot accept anything from us if we are harboring something God disagrees with. It doesn’t matter if you see yourself as a good person because everything you do is lawful, yet your heart is full of greed, envy, ...
a pinch of God's Word // uma pitada da Palavra de Deus