Idols. I have written about them before. But I think it is something that they are never old-fashioned. Because everybody may have an idol and haven’t realized it yet. We have seen more and more lately people “choosing” to not believe in God. Or more especially disbelieving in the God of Christianity. It seems old fashion these days being a Christian, so they say. It is cooler to be a Buddhist or an “atheist”. Even if they say that they don’t have a God or god, everybody does. It may not be the God of the Universe, but may be their kids, their houses, their money, their career, or their partner (it is old-fashion to say husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend). Anything or anyone who someone really loves, and put it above anything else, and probably would give their lives just to save theirs, has become an idol or a god. People don’t like the Christianity God because it is hard. It is trouble. They want something they can deal with their own way. They have to be a...
a pinch of God's Word // uma pitada da Palavra de Deus