I don’t know if I’ve told you about this, but I’m committed to reading the whole Bible during this year again. I really want to make it a habit. Why? Because it is amazing how we change. How the reading changes us, at least it has changed me. And the blessings? Oh man! If only you knew all the blessing that I and my family has received. One can say that I cannot attribute to my readings, but I know I can. And today, I read these three passages Luke 16:10 , Psalm 62: 9 – 10 and Proverbs 11: 18 . All three somehow talk about money. First, in Luke, it says, ‘ One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much’ . If only we knew our politicians before we give our votes to them! It is all about character. When you have a good character, that is what you are: a person who wants to do the right thing, even the opportunity to do otherwise shows up, still you will choose the right thing. Because that ...
a pinch of God's Word // uma pitada da Palavra de Deus