Funny thing when people who live their lives in their own way and suddenly need something from God and ask Him for it. They wait for the answer, but the answer never comes. Then, they get frustrated and have a tantrum against God and everything related to it. But wait a minute. Let’s think now in our human sphere. When a dad has a kid who is pretty much disobedient, and self-centered, to say the least, and asks for something from his dad, something that he really wants but doesn’t really need it. The dad, very conscientiously of the reality, that he loves a lot his kid, however, if he always gives what the kid wants, what sort of person he is educating? So, the dad decides to say no, and several times he says no to his kid. The kid can mature from this if he bothers to ask why he can’t have it or when he will have it, he probably will learn something from his dad. But as we all know that there are some kids that don’t bother asking anything and j...
a pinch of God's Word // uma pitada da Palavra de Deus