People lately love saying that they are moved by reason, that they are sensible. I think to myself, really? It doesn’t sound like it. I mean, you hear all the time people praising and motivating others to “follow your heart”, tell me how is that sensible? In this context, “the heart” means emotions; and emotions mean unstable. What are emotions? According to a dictionary from Oxford languages, emotion is a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others . Important words from this definition: instinctive, deriving, circumstances, mood. None of these words reflect something reasonable. They all relate to something temporary. How can instinct be related to reason, if reason is something that separates us from the animal world? We are able to reason, the animals are not. We can build a train of thoughts, we keep a conversation. We argue. We defend our position. All these are based on reason. Therefore, “follow...
a pinch of God's Word // uma pitada da Palavra de Deus