Today I heard some amazing sentences, inspiring sentences. We are the biggest blocking stone to become what God wants us to be. There is no denial of courage. You deny that that reality has authority over you. God let us choose how to do what is the calling you have, you can do it joyfully, or you can do it angrily, resenting and complaining. Conditional faith isn’t faith. We’ll never be victorious if we face things with fear. The enemy knows your fear, and he is going to threaten you over and over again. The hardest command in the Bible is “Don’t be afraid”, “Fear not”. No one was borne brave. It is a call to be brave. Esther 4:13 – 16. You need to know that God’s plan will come true with or without you. It’s your choice if you’re going to do what He is calling you to do, and How you are going to do it. If you decide not to follow through, God will find someone else, and what are you going to do with your conscience? Or you...
a pinch of God's Word // uma pitada da Palavra de Deus