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Showing posts from 2025


Food for thought // Alimento para reflexão

I  have a problem. Sorry, I meant I have many problems, but one in particular bothers me the most. I bet you have the same issue. What is it? Judgments. I am very judgmental person. But you wouldn’t say that I am. I am also a very good at not telling others about my conclusions after my evaluation. I keep to myself. But I know I should not be doing it in the first place.  Well… once I am here, I am going to confess. I judge when people say that they are one way, and everybody should accept that. I judge when this same person claims to be a Christian because I disagree profoundly with this. When you recognize that you have a problem. A moral problem. You should at least try to fix it. Otherwise, you will pass like a hypocrite. We all have flaws, moral flaws. But I don’t think that we all should be satisfied with them and live like it is ok.  A long time ago, I realized how judgmental I was. I prayed. I am still praying to get better. But I can tell you that I have improved...