People often resist being a Christian because of the many rules. Among other things, they say it is too hard. I can’t disagree with that, it is hard, but it is also worth it. They tend to think that will lose their freedom if they become Christians. But, what do they know about freedom? Are they really free? Let’s see: They say they are free, but they are unable to control themselves. I think they obey their impulses, what it can often lead them to problems. They say they are free, but they can’t control their anger, their greed, their jealousy, their hunger, their prejudice, their own thoughts! They are slave of their own desires, they know some of those are destructive, and they still think they are free. They say they are free, but they can’t have enough money to have a vacation or enjoy family. So, they are committed to their job. They say they are free, but they can’t stop worrying, their anxieties are eating them up, stealing their peace ...
a pinch of God's Word // uma pitada da Palavra de Deus