Naaman, the commander of the army. It is a great title for a person, right? Commander of the army of the king of Syria. It is just like today having those letters before our name when we send an email, or someone is going to address us. Dr. Hertz, would you mind stooping down to check me out? Hehehe Yes… no one has ever addressed me as Dr. Hertz. Why would they? I have never introduced myself as Dr. Hertz, although I have a Ph.D. degree. To me, this isn’t important enough, if they get my name right it is a plus. Anyway.. the story goes like this 2 Kings 5. ‘ Now Naaman was commander of the army of the king of Aram. He was a great man in the sight of his master and highly regarded because through him the Lord had given victory to Aram. He was a valiant soldier, BUT he had leprosy ’ . The guy was all good and great full of valor but. It had a BUT. But he had leprosy. He was a leper. Do you know what it meant to be a leper t...
a pinch of God's Word // uma pitada da Palavra de Deus