You know, since I was a kid, I didn’t like to be bothered about what people thought about me because I had learned some truths about the Bible and Jesus. 1- Jesus didn’t gossip either thought evil of anyone, so why should I? He is my golden standard. 2 – It’s written in Romans 14 not to pass judgment on one another. So, I’m not bothered about what people think of me, I also shouldn’t be bothered about how people are or not, I’m not to pass judgment. I know nothing about their hearts, only Jesus knows. Yeah, sometimes we don’t realize that we are doing it. We don’t realize that we are judging people. Sometimes with “small” and “inoffensive” comments, or sometimes some thoughts. “He drinks too much”, “she doesn’t eat that”, “look at the skirt! Too short”, “OMG! He’s dating that girl?” What happens when we judge? We put ourselves in a higher standard, we consider ourselves as better, more righteous, and the truth is – we are not. Don’t ever see yourself ...
a pinch of God's Word // uma pitada da Palavra de Deus