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Happy Thanksgiving

You know, I am Brazilian and I am one of those who doesn't like a lot holidays. They all seem silly; but hey! thanksgiving is something special, right? The food is delicious! this is the only thing I can think of.
Well, I've been in the U.S for a few years and we have celebrated a little this holiday because we don't really have a family here to celebrate it with.
But today, Juan had read a verse from Haggai it says: "But now,” thus says Adonai -Tzva’ot : “Set your heart on your ways! You sowed much but bring in little. You eat but are never satisfied. You drink but not enough to get filled. You put on clothes but no one is warm. And whoever earns wages works for a bag full of holes.” Thus says Adonai -Tzva’ot : “Set your heart on your ways! Go up to the hills, bring wood and build the House. Then I will delight in it and I will be glorified,” says Adonai . Haggai 1:5‭-‬8 TLV

It made me think about this day, Thanksgiving eve. How many times we complain about things? the food, the clothes... how many times we are seen as nothing is enough; especially in this culture that we are living on currently.  Have you ever thought that what you have is exactly what you need? Most of the time we have more than enough and we don't realize that. We are blind with all the shopping and things that "we need to" when we don't need them at all.

The media makes us believe that we need a new cell phone, a new computer, a new car, a new...
why? what's wrong with what you already have? Is it working? does still fit? So why do you need more? I wonder why people have so many debts these days. Now listen to the prophet: Set your heart on your ways. Go up present yourself to God and look at yourself, see your rags your heart wears? You are filled with expensive things, but it is your heart that God wants; humble yourself, present yourself to Him, and give Him thanks for all the things even the foolish things that you have. Say it out loud "Create in me a pure heart, O God,  and renew a steadfast spirit within me" Psalm 51:10; 

Today is one day of the year, but shouldn't we make this an everyday-day? Shouldn't we celebrate our blessings with thanksgivings every day? Shouldn't we remember Him every day? 
 Let's pray: Dear heavenly Father, thank you for loving me so much and granted me with this life; for giving me such a wonderful family and friends; for having never allowed anything be missing of this table; come, Lord, be with us. forgive me my forgetting. Thank you for never abandoning me.
In Jesus' name, Amen. 


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